October 19th 2024

Like every year the delegates started with their opening speeches. The first speech was given by Algeria. They kept their speech brief and were not open to any point of information. The following speech was given by China where the spokesperson mentioned the suffering of the innocent civilians, due to the conflict between the two fronts, Palestine and Israel, and the death of the women and children, who are dying in the Gaza Strip. During the debate, China made clear that they were pro-Palestine and don’t support the israelian war acts. To this the United States of America replied by asking, why they think that they can be a better mediator than the United States of America. An informative answer was not giving by China, but the whole discussion between the representatives was heated and tense. Malata calls for international protection of innocent civilians in their speech and Mozambique aimed for a peaceful resolution. When the Republic of Korea was recognized and took the floor, the delegate for the Republic of Korea explained that they were not taking sides. They spoke on the importance of human rights protection and advocated for a future in which Israelis and Palestinians live together in peace. Now it was the turn of the representative of the Russian Federation, who made clear in their speech that they will defend Palestine. They talked about a two-state solution but are aware that it won’t work because of history, at least not for long term. The two-state solution also won’t work because neither of the two fronts are open to it. The delegate explained that they want to find a compromise,  a one-state solution possibly. The next delegate, who also gave a convincing speech and answered questions well, was the spokesperson of the United States of America. Following the speech of the US the committee Security Counsil had a guest speaker. It was a Delegate of Israel. In their speech they provided, that they must defend Israel, and they will , because there is no chance not to. In the Q&A round Israel answered as follows: We are not killing innocent civilians, they (Palestine) are using them (the civilians) as human shields. It is to be added that the Delegate of Israel that what they were doing is not a war crime. While the delegate of Israel had the floor, many among the attending delegates had disbelief written all over their faces. Also, to mention is that Israels Q&A was very interesting to listen to, and the questions of the other Delegates were very expressive, for example of the Russian Federation, who asked:,, How does the Delegate intend to defend human rights when they have called palestinians ,,dogs” in their public speeches and their president has mentioned that for every Israeli killing, 100 Palestinians have to die?” After the Q&A round the guest speaker left the committee, and the remaining delegates gave their opening speeches. At the end of the discussion, a decision was made in the committee and the majority of the Delegates voted in favor of the Russian Federation’s resolution.