October 21th 2024

In the last debate of the year of the SC at MUNOG, on October 21st, the debate on the resolution of the Russian Federation continued. Other amendments were introduced by the respective delegates. As always, not all amendments made it through, for example from Sierra Leone. Then the Republic of Korea spoke on their amendment, stated that they believe that the money should be given to everyone who needs it. Then, at the request of the delegate from China, the Security Council Committee had a guest speaker from another delegate from China. Finally, the resolution was finalized with all the amendments. Due to time constraints, the Committee was unable to debate the second topic of this year’s Security Council, measures to end the ongoing terrorism in Afghanistan, with particular focus on the Taliban and its allies and state sponsors of terrorism. This was the last Security Council debate of 2024. To end MUNOG 2024 in a relaxed manner for the SC, the chairpersons ordered the delegates to undergo humorous punishments. There was also singing in preparation for the closing ceremony. Although the delegates and chairs were tired and exhausted, they ended October 2st 2024, with great success.