The Team

Secretarial Office

Fellow MUNOG participants,
Dear visitors of the official MUNOG website,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you to Model United Nations of Goldberg 2024!

My name is Tabea Saile, I am 17 years old and this year’s Secretary General. MUNOG 2024 will be my seventh MUN conference since I attended the past three MUNOG conferences as a Delegate and as the Deputy Secretary General. Aside from that I attended BIMUN twice and IMUNBP once as a Delegate.

Currently I am in the twelfth grade of our hosting school.

Besides my passion for MUN, I am passionate about singing and dancing in the school choir of the GGS and being part of the theater group, as well as spending time with my friends.

I am really looking forward to MUNOG 2024 to experience what our hardworking organizing team has set up, and I hope I will meet many passionate and open-minded students who are as excited as I am for this year’s conference.

MUNOG is not just about talking about politics and expanding political knowledge, it’s mostly about getting to know new people from around the world, connecting internationally and lerning that we are never too young to change something and to raise our voices.

I truly believe we will enjoy this conference together in fun, heated and successfull debates. I wish you all a great time with amazing debates and much fun. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

See you in october!
Yours sincerely
Tabea Saile

Tabea Saile

Secretary General

Lilith Fais

Deputy Secretary General

Dear MUNOG participants,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a pleasure for me to introduce myself as this year’s Deputy Secretary General of MUNOG 2024.

I’m Lilith Fais, 17 years old and in the 11th grade. I participated at many MUNs before also in other countries, was a stuff member for two years and was a delegate.

In addition to MUNOG, singing, writing, reading and acting are my great passion, and I am very much looking forward to our time together.

I hope you all have a productive and fun time and get to know new people and friends! Use these days, gain countless memories and enjoy MUNOG 2024!

Kind regards,

Lilith Fais


Dear MUNOG Participants,

My name is Hanan Nur and I’m 18 years old. I am in the 12th grade of the Goldberg

gymnasium. I am incredibly honoured to be apart of MUNOG 2024 as one of the four

Presidents of the General Assembly and with my Co-Chairs and as a Chair of this years

Security Council.

Over the past years I was able to gain experience in various fields. Starting with MUNOG 2021 where I had the privilege of being a Delegate in CSW. In MUNOG 2022 I was a part of the Press Team as well as an Advisor and in MUNOG 2023 where I had the privilege of Chairing the CCPCJ Committee as well as being a Head of Advisor. I also had the privilege of attending BIMUN 2024 as a Delegate of the CTC Committee.

Besides my passion for MUNs I love theatre. I have had the privilege to join my school’s english drama. I also love writing and traveling.

MUNOG is a great opportunity to get to get young people to be active in politics. For each person individually MUNOG is a great way to expand your Knowledge on current issues and the World Challenges. It can also expand your english skills as well as your social skills by giving you the Change to meet new people from various countries.

Therefore, I am looking forward to fruitful debates and meeting all of you.

Sincerely, Hanan Nur.

Hannan Nur


Annika Järkel


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Annika Järkel, I am 17 years old and I will be one of the Presidents of the General Assembly. Additionally, I am going to be a Chair of the Crisis Security Council.

I have participated in MUNOG four times already. In 2019, I was a member of the Service Team. Since then, I participated as Sim Staff and twice as a delegate, in the ECOSOC Committee and in the Security Council.

Meeting new people and learning about other cultures are two of the main reasons why I love MUNOG so much, along with the unique atmosphere during that time of the year. I think politics are a very interesting aspect of our community, as everyone has the potential to effect change, even if it’s just through small actions. I believe we can do so with MUNOG and I am excited to see all of your ideas.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you at MUNOG 2024!

Yours sincerely,  
Annika Järkel

Dear MUNOG Participants,

Honourable participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Emily Duschek and I am honoured to be one of this year’s PGAs and chair of the Security Council.

I am 17 years old and at the time of the conference I’ll be in year 12 at the Goldberg Gymnasium.

This year’s MUNOG conference will be my 6th and last conference. Since 2021, I’ve participated once as a member of the press team, three times as a delegate and once as a chair.

Apart from MUNs I like to do sports, travel, read and spend time with my friends.

From my past experiences I know that MUNs are so much more than just debates. They are a great way to raise awareness to important topics, they encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and they are a wonderful chance to make long lasting friendships all around Europe.

Therefore, I am very much looking forward to meeting all of you and experiencing this amazing conference together!

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Emily Duschek

Emily Duschek


Denise Hopf


My name is Denise Hopf and I am a 17 year old student at Goldberg-Gymnasium Sindelfingen. 

I already participated at MUNOG three times as well as atIMUNBP  and MUNOB. This year, I will participate as a PGA and I will be chairing the Security Council  together with Emily Duschek and Hanan Nur. 

In my freetime, I enjoy doing sports and going out with my friends. 

Hopefully, we will have fruitful debates and we will  spend  a good time together!

I am very much looking forward to see you ! 

Best regards, Denise Hopf


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,
Ladies and Gentleman,

My name is Nele Pleß, I am 15 years old, and I will be in 11th grade next year.
I am very honored to be a part of this year’s EC-Team as the Executive Director of
Conference Management.
During MUNOG 2022 I gained a lot of experience in the organisation of MUNOG as Head of
Service. Last year I was a Deputy Executive Director of Congerence Management together
with Chiara Zangaro.
It is always an amazing time, and it’s one of the best opportunitiys to improve your English
skills and meet new people and friends.
This is why I am very happy to take part in this year’s conference again.

I am looking forward to a very interesting and fun time.
Kindest regards,
Nele Pleß

Nele Pleß

Executive Director of Conference Management

Chiara Zangaro

Executive Director of Conference Management

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,
Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Chiara Zangaro, I am 17 years old, and this year’s Executive Director of Conference Management together with Nele Pleß.
This is my fourth time participating in MUNOG. Besides MUNOG, I like to spend time with my friends, sing and dance in our school choir, read and do sports.  
I have participated serveral times as staff and last year as the Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management. The conference is always an exciting time and provides a great chance to meet new people. After all the time we spent preparing this conference, we are looking forward experiencing it.
Moreover, I am very happy to participate in this year’s MUNOG and make new memories. I am looking forward meeting everyone and having an amazing time.

Kind regards,

Chiara Zangaro

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Jessica Keller, I am 15 years old and this year’s Deputy Executive Director of Conference

Management. In this position I will be working with Chiara Zangaro, Nele Pleß, Clara Akermann, Linus

Ruckhaberle and Bruno Lutz.

In 2021 and 2022 I gained experience by being a Sim Staff and last year I participated as a Delegate.

The conference week is always an exiting time and offers great opportunities to meet new people.

Therefore, I am very happy to participate in this year’s MUNOG and take on a new role.

In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends, read and go to the gym.

I am really looking forward to an interesting and great time together.

Kindest regards,

Jessica Keller

Jessica Keller

Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management

Linus Ruckhaberle

Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

I‘m Linus and I’m looking forward to being at munog this year. At munog I am part of the conference management. My hobbies are skating and going to the Gym.

Best regards,

Linus Ruckhaberle

Dear Participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Bruno Lutz, and I am delighted to introduce myself as a member of the conference management team for this year’s event. I have a passion for athletics, particularly in track and field, and I also enjoy competitive cycling.
I am looking forward to engaging with all of you during the conference and contributing to our discussions. Together, we can create a memorable and enriching experience at MUNOG 2024.

Best regards,

Bruno Lutz

Bruno Lutz

Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management

Clara Akermann

Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024, Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Clara Akermann, i am 16 years old, and this years Deputy Executive Director of Conference Management.

Besides MUNOG i love to spend time with my friends, to do sports and art and also to sing.

This is my third time participating in MUNOG but everytime in another position, to try out all the different parts of it. But what i can tell from my experience in those different positions, is that MUNOG is a great event, it is very exciting and a great opportunity to meet new people.

This is why i am very honored to take part at this great event again.
I am looking forward to make new memories, meet new people and to have a great time together.

Kindest regards,
Clara Akermann


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Erik Werner, I am 17 years old and currently in the 11th grade. In Munog 2024, I will be participating as Head of Technology.

In my free time, I like to go bouldering, play video games, hang out with friends, and sometimes code.

This is my second time partaking in MUNOG, last year I have been here as deputy of Technology.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at our school in October.

Best regards,

Erik Werner

Erik Werner

Head of Technology

Vincent Böpple

Head of Technology

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and gentlemen,

my name is Vincent Böpple, I am 17 years old and I am visiting the 12th grade in school. In the MUNOG project 2024, I am going to participate as the Head of Technology.

In my freetime, I like being outside and making short videos. Moreover, I like to be active in technical domains as eventmanagement and programming lightscenes for Musicals together with Joas Henne and Roko Vrbljan.

I already have gained MUNOG experiences as a Deputy Head of Film in 2022 and 2023 as Head of Film.

Also I am looking forward to see you all together at our school.

Best regards,

Vincent Böpple

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,
Ladies and gentlemen,

my name is Joas Henne, I am 18 years old and I’m going to be a Head of Technology.
This year will be my third time participating in MUNOG, but this time will be my first time as a Head of Technology. Through MUNOG I was able to improve English skills a lot by taking part in this project.
In my free time I like riding my bicycle and like to be active in technical domains and especially in sound engineering.
I am really excited to be part of MUNOG 2024, and I am looking forward to see you all in October to make the MUNOG-Experince even better.

Best regards,
Joas Henne

Joas Henne

Head of Technology

Advisor and Social Program

Coralie Herold

Head of Advisor & Social Program

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and Gentlemen

My name is Coralie Herold, I am 16 years old and currently in the 11th grade. I am honored to participate as Head of Advisor and Social Programme Manager at MUNOG 2024.

I already participated in MUNOG last year as a Advisor, so this year will be my second MUNOG where I take part of and I’m very happy and grateful to be part of the EC Team this year.

Beside my task at MUNOG, I really like to play the piano or to do horse riding.

I’m really looking forward to this year’s MUNOG, to interesting debates as well as to meet new people from different countries.

Kindest Regards,
Coralie Herold

My name is Emilia Kern, I’m 17 years old and currently in 11th grade. I am honored to participate as a Head of Advisor and Social Programme Manager at MUNOG

I’m looking forward to this year’s
MUNOG and to meet new people from different countries.

Kindest Regards,

Emilia Kern

Emilia Kern

Head of Advisor & Social Program

Ivana Krstanovic

Head of Advisor & Social Program

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Ivana Krstanovic , I am 16 years old and currently I am going to the 11th grade. I am very excited and honored to be one of the Head of Advisor and Social Programme Managers of MUNOG 2024, alongside Emilia Kern and Coralie Herold. In addition, I will be a chair of the CSW together with Christine Böhme and Andrea Vasile.
I have already participated in MUNOG 2023 as a delegate of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Furthermore I was able to gain some experience as a delegate and also as a chair at PMUN.

MUNOG is a very good way to extend your skills in different areas. You can improve your English skills as well as broaden you political horizon. Moreover, you can establish new contacts from different countries around the world.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and to getting to know you all!

Ivana Krstanovic


Philippa Brunner

Head of SimStaff

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Philippa Brunner, I am 14 years old and I am looking forward to being one of the Heads of SimStaff of MUNOG 2024, together with Sophie Hohenwarter and Sophie Müller.

Last year, I have already participated as a SimStaff in the HRC committee. Through this experience, I was able to improve my English skills and I learned how the MUNOG debates proceed.

In my free time, I enjoy doing gymnastics and playing tennis. I also like singing in the school choir as well as at the Stuttgart Opera.

I am looking forward to MUNOG 2024, and I am sure we will have a great time.

Kindest regards,
Philippa Brunner

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Sophie Hohenwarter and I am 14 years old. In this year’s MUNOG I will be part of the Head of SimStaff, together with Philippa Brunner and Sophie Müller.

I already experienced MUNOG 2023 as a SimStaff in the HRC comittee. Last year I improved my English skills as well as broaden my political horizon what was an outstanding experience for me.

In my spare time I play tennis, piano and do gymnastics. Besides that, I also enjoy spending time with my friends.

I am really excited to be part of MUNOG 2024 and I am sure we will have a great time together.

Kindest regards,
Sophie Hohenwarter

Sophie Hohenwarter

Head of SimStaff

Sophie Müller

Head of SimStaff

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Sophie Müller and I am 14 years old. I am pleased to be participating in MUNOG. I will be leading the SimStaff team at MUNOG this year, together with Philippa Brunner and Sophie Hohenwarter.

At MUNOG 2023, I was employed by the HRC committee as a SimStaff. The experience I gained during this role has helped me to improve my English skills and I have learned how the MUNOG debates are conducted.

In addition to my school, I enjoy playing handball and tennis. I also value spending time with friends.

I am delighted to be returning to MUNOG and I am really looking forward to participate a new role at MUNOG 2024.  Surely we will have a great time

Kindest regards,

Sophie Müller

Finances and Sponsoring

Tiara Widmann

Head of Finances and Sponsoring

Dear participants of MUNOG 2023,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I am Tiara Widmann, 16 years old, and I am privileged to serve as this year’s Head of Financial and Sponsoring.
In my free time, I like doing sports and spending time with my friends.

Last year, I participated in MUNOG 2023 as a delegate, and the year before, I served as the Head of SIM Staff. This remarkable project has truly captivated me. It was an incredible experience where I made unique new friendships and had a lot of fun.

Moreover, being part of this project greatly enhanced my English skills by interacting with people from around the globe. I am confident that MUNOG 2024 will have a wonderful atmosphere, and I look forward to meeting new people and having new experiences.

Let’s make this a great time together.

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,
My Name is Sarah Pohl and i’m 16 years old. In my free time I like to do sport, for example I do Taekwondo and Horse riding.
2024 is my third time at MUNOG. The last years I already participated as Simstuff and Delegate and had a great time. I’m pleased to be Head of Finances and Sponsoring this year and take care of the finances part with Carlotta Brunner and Tiara Widmann.

I’m looking forward to MUNOG 2024, meeting all of you and hope we have a wonderful time!
Sarah Pohl

Sarah Pohl

Head of Finances and Sponsoring

Carlotta Brunner

Head of Finances and Sponsoring

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Carlotta Brunner and I am 16 years old.
In my free time, I like to play tennis and sing at the Stuttgart State Opera.

This is my fourth time at MUNOG, and I have had the pleasure of taking on various roles in the past, including Simstaff, Head of Simstaff, and Delegate.

This year, I have the honor of being Head of Finances and Sponsoring, working alongside Sarah Pohl and Tiara Widmann on the financial aspects of the event.

I am looking forward to MUNOG 2024, working with all of you, and the many unforgettable moments that await us.

Yours sincerely,

Carlotta Brunner

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and Gentleman,

My name is Mayar Alturki and I am honored to be serving as the Head of Finances for this year’s MUNOG. I am 17 years old and currently a student in the 11th grade at Goldberg Gymnasium.

Having participated in the 2023 MUNOG conferences as a delegate and advisor, I have gained valuable experience and insight into the workings of MUNOG. This year, I am excited to contribute in a different capacity, overseeing the financial aspects of our event.

In my free time I enjoy reading, baking, and spending quality time with friends. 

As the Head of Finances, my goal is to ensure that our conference runs smoothly and efficiently from a financial perspective.

I look forward to collaborating with the organizing team and supporting all delegates to make MUNOG 2024 an unforgettable event. 

Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Warmest regards,

Mayar Alturki

Mayar Alturki

Head of Finances and Sponsoring

Milena Fritsch

Head of Finances and Sponsoring

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Milena Fritsch, I am 17 years old and I am in the 12th grade. I am honored to be part of this year’s Sponsoring Team and the Executive Committee.

My first experience with MUNOG was in 8th grade when I was part of the F&B team. Since then, I have participated in MUNOG twice in a dual role, as an advisor to the international delegates and as a delegate myself. This has taught me how important the background work is and how much I enjoy it.

In order to not only help with the smooth running of the event this year, but also to plan it, I have decided to take part in this year’s MUNOG again in a dual role – as Chair of the SPECPOL Committee and as Sponsoring Manager.

I am looking forward to working together, getting to know you all and creating unforgettable memories.

Yours sincerely,

Milena Fritsch


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Emilia Lukic, I am 15 years old and I am currently in the 10th grade. I feel very honored to work together with Kiara Dietrich as Heads of Service. 

In 2022 I helped in the service team and in 2023 I was able to attend the committee meetings as a Sim Staff. MUNOG not only offers the opportunity to improve your English skills, but also to meet people, work together with them and make new friends. That’s why I’m really looking forward to take part in MUNOG 2024.

In my free time I like to meet my friends, go to dance school, read and do sports.

I’m looking forward to make new memories with you and having a great time.

Best regards,

Emilia Lukic

Emilia Lukic

Head of Service


Irem Bickici

Head of F&B

Dear Participants of MUNOG 2024, 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

My name is Irem Bickici and I am 17 years old. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and playing the violin. 

I’ve had the opportunity to be part of MUNs as a simstaff member, delegate, and in the service sector. 

This year, I am honored to be the Head of Food and Beverage. 

I am excited to meet all of you and make this MUNOG an unforgettable experience! 

Yours sincerely,

Irem Bickici 

Dear Participants of MUNOG 2024,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
my name is Jule Heinzelmann, and I am 18 years old. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and doing sports.
I am very thankful for the chance to be part of several MUNs as a simstaff member, delegate, and chair.
At this MUNOG, I am honored to be the Head of Food and Beverage.
I am looking forward to this great experience and to finally meeting you all.
Yours sincerely,
Jule Heinzelmann

Jule Heinzelmann

Head of F&B


Joshua Hirmer

Head of Film

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024
My name is Joshua Hirmer, I am 17 years old and I am in the 12th grade.
I am very happy and honoured to be part of MUNOG 2024 as the Head of Film.
I have been able to participate in MUNOG several times now and each time it has been a wonderful experience.
MUNOG is a great opportunity to take responsibility, to get in touch with young people from different countries and to raise your own awareness of politics.
In my free time, I like to play tennis and enjoy photography and film.
Joshua Hirmer


Dear MUNOG 2024 participants,

My name is Mareike Baumann and this year I am a Head of Photography.

Over the past years, I was able to participate in MUNOG as a member of the service team, as a member of the Sim Staff, as advisor, delegate and chair.  Therefore I know the process of MUNOG from different perspectives, which is why I hope to be able to capture many authentic and beautiful moments.

Besides my interest in MUNOG and photography, I read in my free time. Additionally, I love spending time with my friends and doing sports.

MUNOG is an amazing opportunity to meet other people from all over the world and to strengthen political awareness.  I’m already looking forward to meeting you in person and taking photos of the conference!

Yours sincerely,

Mareike Baumann

Mareike Baumann

Head of Photography

Madita Kalmbach

Head of Photography

Dear MUNOG 2024 participants,
My name is Madita Kalmbach, I’m going to be a Head of Photography in this year’s conference.

Over the past years, I participated at MUNOG as a member of the service team, as a Sim Staff and as a delegate in DISEC and SC.

These experiences made me want to get to know the conference from another perspective.
By capturing lots of lovely moments, I hope I can make my contribution to MUNOG 24.
In my free-time I love to dance, play volleyball and listen to music.

I‘m looking forward to a great conference, meeting new people and enjoying the spirit of MUNOG!

Yours sincerely,
Madita Kalmbach

Dear MUNOG 2024 participants,

My name is Henry Kuhn, and this year I am the Head of Photography.

In previous years, I had the chance to be part of the MUNOG press team and the staff, which has given me valuable insights into the event. This year, I look forward to capturing authentic and beautiful moments at the conference.

Outside of MUNOG and my passion for photography, I enjoy playing soccer and spending time outdoors with friends.

MUNOG is an incredible opportunity to meet people from all over the world and to foster political awareness. I’m excited to meet you all in person and capture the spirit of this conference through my photos!

Yours sincerely,  
Henry Kuhn

Henry Kuhn

Head of Photography


Frederic Riemer

Head of Brodcasting

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Frederic Riemer, I’m 18 years old and I’m in year 12 at Goldberg Gymnasium Sindelfingen. At MUNOG 2024, I’m taking on the position of Head of Broadcasting, a challenge I am really looking forward to. I have already participated in Munog several times, including as Deputy Head of Press and Chair of CCPCJ, and I was also a delegate at a MUN conference in Budapest.
In my spare time, I love playing theatre, bouldering, listening to music and hanging out with friends.
I’m really looking forward to MUNOG 24, as the atmosphere is always very special and you get to meet lots of cool people.

Kindest Regards,

Frederic Riemer

Social Media

Dear participants of MUNOG 2023,

My name is Jule, I am 17 years old and I am the Head of Social Media. I’m looking forward to documenting MUNOG on social media and giving you insights into MUNOG.
This will be my first MUNOG experience and I am very happy to be part of this year’s team.

Kindest regards,
Jule Harr

Jule Harr

Head of Social Media


Annika Järkel

Head of Crisis

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Annika Järkel, I am 17 years old and I will be one of the Presidents of the General Assembly. Additionally, I am going to be a Chair of the Crisis Security Council.

I have participated in MUNOG four times already. In 2019, I was a member of the Service Team. Since then, I participated as Sim Staff and twice as a delegate, in the ECOSOC Committee and in the Security Council.

Meeting new people and learning about other cultures are two of the main reasons why I love MUNOG so much, along with the unique atmosphere during that time of the year. I think politics are a very interesting aspect of our community, as everyone has the potential to effect change, even if it’s just through small actions. I believe we can do so with MUNOG and I am excited to see all of your ideas.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you at MUNOG 2024!

Yours sincerely,  
Annika Järkel

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Josua Ancheta, I am 16 years old and currently a 10th grader at the Goldberg Gymnasium Sindelfingen.

I am very excited and honored to be part of the Executive Committee and the PGA team, and to serve as a Chair of the Crisis Security Council at this year’s conference.

Over the past years, I have been able to gain experience as a delegate in various international MUNs, such as MUNOG 2022 and 2023, IMUNBP 2023, and BIMUN 2024. However, this will be my first time chairing a committee and I am looking forward to the new challenges and experiences this role will bring.

For me, MUNOG is a fantastic opportunity to expand your skills in different areas. You can improve your English skills and broaden your political horizon. You can also make new contacts and friends from different countries around the world.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and to meeting you all!


Josua Ancheta

Josua Ancheta

Head of Crisis

Nora Mütze

Head of Crisis

Dear delegates of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Nora Mütze, I’m 16 years old and currently in the 11th grade at the Goldberg Gymnasium in Sindelfingen.

I am honoured to be a chair of the Crisis Security Council and hope for an eventful debate. 

This year’s MUNOG will be my 6th MUN conference, my second conference as a chair and my first time being in the Executive Committee and helping to organise the debates in the PGA-Team. 

MUNOG is a great opportunity to gain experiences in very important global issues and to learn to be more open-minded about issues. Throughout the whole conference you can improve your English and debating skills and create long lasting friendships with people from all over the world. 

Whenever I’m not at school, I enjoy doing sports, art and hanging out with my friends.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and hope for an exciting and memorable debate! 

See you at MUNOG 2024!


Nora Mütze


Silke Pock, Verena Kiemes, Ralph Ongherth, Lisa Marie Rath, Susanne Sauer