The Committee Dinner

On Thursday evening, all delegates, chairs and members of the EC team met for the first time outside of the conference at the committee dinner and finally had the opportunity to get to know each other properly. ​

After some initial reticence, the ice was quickly broken and the lively conversations during dinner centred around hobbies, MUN experiences, special features of the respective countries of origin and the gossip of the first MUNOG day. Even if some of the typical German dishes, which admittedly can taste a little strange (who actually came up with the idea of combining lentils with spaetzle or rolling Maultaschen?), did not appeal to all the foreign guests, the lovely, relaxed atmosphere and pleasant conversations made up for this.​

After the meal, numerous dinner participants met up in Böblingen at the lake, where there was once again plenty of chattering and laughing with old and new friends and a selfie competition to dispel the last remnants of reserve. It was great to see people again that one had already met at last year’s MUNOG or to talk to completely new participants. All in all, it was a really nice evening, which has already massively increased the anticipation for the next four days!