October 19th 2024

Today, the Committee conducted DISEC, on measures to prevent war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by armed forces in the Middle East. It began with the opening speeches, in which the nations expressed their opinion on the subject. China began with their opening speech, in which they mentioned the safety of the people and the importance of this point. They also mentioned that the military approach was more important to them than the diplomatic approach. After that, Iran gave their opening speech. They stated that there was nothing wrong with the human rights they represent in the country. After that, Israel gave its opening speech, in which Turkey made an interjection and demanded an apology, which Turkey then received. After that, there was another Q&A meeting in which China said that Israel had killed many civilians in the Gaza Strip, whereupon Israel demanded an apology, which they did not receive. The Russian federation mentioned the terror against the people who live in the Gaza Strip and that no peace will be created by Israel in the Middle East. After that, Sweden claimed that what had happened in the Gaza Strip was genocide.  Turkey mentioned that Israel could not be seen as a real partner because they were intolerant. Hungary was asking if Israel would ever feel guilty about the innocent civilians who they killed. Israel responded by saying that they had feelings of guilt but did not want to focus on it, as it would not be good for the country. Israel emphasised their position with the statement that what Hamas is doing is not the same as what Israel is doing. They also said that the war was not because of religion but because Hamas killed the people in Israel. After that, Russia gave its opening speech, while Israel demanded an apology, which Israel also received. In their speech the Russian Federation mentioned, that the United States would prefer Jews in the Middle East and that they would not support this, as they believe that all religious groups in the Middle East should be protected. In addition they stated that in order to get peace in the Middle East, one has to seek the conversation. Then there was the question why Russia did not try this with Ukraine. Russia replied that they had tried but it did not work and that the situation in Ukraine can´t be compared with the situation in the Middle East. After that, the United States said that they had the power to fight everything in the Middle East with diplomacy. Then the remaining nations presented their opening speech. After a break the United States and China presented a solution to the problem. The Delegate of the United States got 11 votes on his draft resolution.