October 19th 2024

The latest meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) focused on global measures to eleminate femicides. The session was marked by passionate speeches, which underscored the significance of the issue. Several opening speeches highlighted the urgent need to protect women. Delegates argued, that women should be protected. And many of them were pointing out that discrimination against women is a major problem in some countries. 

The discussions underlined the problems of femicides, with representatives from various countries highlighting the need to protect women and eliminate violence globally. The delegates wanted to work on these problems and foster international partnerships to safeguard women’s rights. 

It came to a voting session. The session saw a tight voting scenario with an initial tie between Pakistan and the United States. This impase led to an extended lobbying time where delegates aimed to persuade opposed representatives to adapt their stance on the issue. 

After intense lobbying, a second voting round was held. The United States resolution received a majority of nine votes. 

The discussion underscored the pervasive issue of femicides, with representatives from various countries highlighting the need for joint efforts to protect women and minimize violence globally.