October 20th 2024

In today’s debate, which took place in the Security Council on October 20th ,2024, the resolution of the Russian Federation was discussed. A few delegates came up with amendments, but some proposals were rejected. Some delegates reiterated their positions in their speeches, such as the United States of America and China. The representative of the United States of America said that they want peace for all, and even though he encouraged every delegate not to take anyone’s side, he stated, that in his opinion Israel clearly has the right to defend itself. The delegate from china had an contrary opinion, outlining that China supports the two-state solution but still condemns Israel’s actions, as they go beyond self- defense.

After the break, the United States of America, in its amendment, called for the establishment of a UN-supported “Israel-Palestine Cultural Exchange Program” to promote peace and understanding through YouTube and social media videos. However, this amendment was defeated. China also opposed the amendment, stating in their speech that there is no time for making funny videos and that the UN has more important things to do than creating content for social media. Equadors representative proposed an amendment, in which he was calling for an independent news channel. This amendment was included in the resolution, but the United States of America wanted the independent news channel to be more detailed, so, as a result, the amendment was changed and added to the resolution.

After Equators delegate made their change, the committee heard a guest speaker who was the representative of Hamas. The guest speaker’s speech was quite interesting and captured the attention of the entire committee.