Invitation Letter

distinguished delegates,
ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the whole Executive Team it is our utmost pleasure to invite delegates from all over the world to

Model United Nations of Goldberg 2025.

Our world faces significant challenges and threats. It is our duty to take action and change our world for the better.
MUNOG is a fantastic opportunity for our generation to show our commitment and willingness to improve our world today and make it a better place for tomorrow.
MUNOG is an international collaboration and a chance for new experiences and connections.
What started as a Climate Change Conference in 2008 is now looking forward to its 17th session. Over the past years, passionate students and committed teachers have been involved in organizing the conference, resulting in more than 3,500 students taking part as delegates overall.

MUNOG 2025 will entertain 10 committees for about 200 delegates, representing over 60 nations and non-governmental organizations. Beyond simply simulating the United Nations, this conference stands as a distinctive project designed for adept students capable of engaging in profound discussions on global topics and issues.
The organizing team of Model United Nations of Goldberg 2025 would be honored to welcome your delegation to

Model United Nations of Goldberg 2025 taking place from
October 17th to October 21st 2025

If you are travelling from abroad, please plan your arrival for October 16th and your departure for October 22nd. The first 100 delegates to register can be offered accommodation in host families. Staying with a host family will be free of charge, whereas staying in a hostel or hotel near our school will require additional payment. The delegate fee is 100€ per delegate. This fee includes a ticket for public transportation in the Stuttgart area, the tours and events in the evening, as well as meals and conference materials.

Before and during your stay your delegation will be accompanied by an advisor who will keep the delegation updated and will be your contact person for any information.

Starting on March 13th, 2025, you can register your school on our website

Deadline pre-registration: March 30th 2025

Deadline final registration: April 27th 2025

Please check the end of this letter for more information on fees, deadlines and preparation.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at or

We look forward to welcoming you at MUNOG 2025 in Sindelfingen as one of this year’s delegations!
Yours sincerely

H. E. Lilith Fais
Secretary General MUNOG of 2025

General Information

16th OctoberArrival
17th OctoberOpening Ceremony and informal meetings
18th – 20th OctoberCommittee sessions
21st OctoberGeneral Assembly and Closing Ceremony
22nd OctoberDeparture
Conference Fees
80€includes a ticket for public transportation in the Stuttgart area, as well as meals and conference materials
German Delegates80€
German Chairs40€provided they accommodate a conference guest
MUN Directors40€
Delegation sizes4 – 10 delegates up to 5 chairs
30th March1st stepSchool registration
information on contact person, school information, size of
delegation (15-20 years old), accommodation preference
30th MarchChair registration
27th April2nd stepFinal registration
Delegates, chairs and MUN-Directors: personal contact
information, age, diet etc.
25th May3rd stepAllocation of countries and committees
25th MayConference fees
Please transfer fee to the following account
Account holder: Silke Pock; bank: Kreissparkasse Böblingen;
IBAN: DE84 6035 0130 1001 4832 85 (BIC BBKRDE6BXXX)
28th September4th stepDelegates: turn in Position Papers and Working Papers