Chair Profiles


My name is Denise Hopf and I am a 17 year old student at Goldberg-Gymnasium Sindelfingen. 

I already participated at MUNOG three times as well as at IMUNBP and MUNOB. This year, I will participate as a PGA and I will be chairing the Security Council together with Emily Duschek and Hanan Nur. 

In my freetime, I enjoy doing sports and going out with my friends. 

Hopefully, we will have fruitful debates and we will spend a good time together!

I am very much looking forward to see you ! 

Best regards, Denise Hopf

Denise Hopf


Hanan Nur


Dear MUNOG Participants,

My name is Hanan Nur and I’m 18 years old. I am in the 12th grade of the Goldberg

gymnasium. I am incredibly honoured to be apart of MUNOG 2024 as one of the four

Presidents of the General Assembly and with my Co-Chairs and as a Chair of this years

Security Council.

Over the past years I was able to gain experience in various fields. Starting with MUNOG 2021 where I had the privilege of being a Delegate in CSW. In MUNOG 2022 I was a part of the Press Team as well as an Advisor and in MUNOG 2023 where I had the privilege of Chairing the CCPCJ Committee as well as being a Head of Advisor. I also had the privilege of attending BIMUN 2024 as a Delegate of the CTC Committee.

Besides my passion for MUNs I love theatre. I have had the privilege to join my school’s english drama. I also love writing and traveling.

MUNOG is a great opportunity to get to get young people to be active in politics. For each person individually MUNOG is a great way to expand your Knowledge on current issues and the World Challenges. It can also expand your english skills as well as your social skills by giving you the Change to meet new people from various countries.

Therefore, I am looking forward to fruitful debates and meeting all of you.

Sincerely, Hanan Nur.

Honourable participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Emily Duschek and I am honoured to be one of this year’s PGAs and chair of the Security Council.

I am 17 years old and at the time of the conference I’ll be in year 12 at the Goldberg Gymnasium.

This year’s MUNOG conference will be my 6th and last conference. Since 2021, I’ve participated once as a member of the press team, three times as a delegate and once as a chair.

Apart from MUNs I like to do sports, travel, read and spend time with my friends.

From my past experiences I know that MUNs are so much more than just debates. They are a great way to raise awareness to important topics, they encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and they are a wonderful chance to make long lasting friendships all around Europe.

Therefore, I am very much looking forward to meeting all of you and experiencing this amazing conference together!

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Emily Duschek

Emily Duschek



Annika Järkel


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Annika Järkel, I am 17 years old and I will be one of the Presidents of the General Assembly. Additionally, I am going to be a Chair of the Crisis Security Council.

I have participated in MUNOG four times already. In 2019, I was a member of the Service Team. Since then, I participated as Sim Staff and twice as a delegate, in the ECOSOC Committee and in the Security Council.

Meeting new people and learning about other cultures are two of the main reasons why I love MUNOG so much, along with the unique atmosphere during that time of the year. I think politics are a very interesting aspect of our community, as everyone has the potential to effect change, even if it’s just through small actions. I believe we can do so with MUNOG and I am excited to see all of your ideas.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you at MUNOG 2024!

Yours sincerely,  
Annika Järkel

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Josua Ancheta, I am 16 years old and currently a 10th grader at the Goldberg Gymnasium Sindelfingen.

I am very excited and honored to be part of the Executive Committee and the PGA team, and to serve as a Chair of the Crisis Security Council at this year’s conference.

Over the past years, I have been able to gain experience as a delegate in various international MUNs, such as MUNOG 2022 and 2023, IMUNBP 2023, and BIMUN 2024. However, this will be my first time chairing a committee and I am looking forward to the new challenges and experiences this role will bring.

For me, MUNOG is a fantastic opportunity to expand your skills in different areas. You can improve your English skills and broaden your political horizon. You can also make new contacts and friends from different countries around the world.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and to meeting you all!


Josua Ancheta

Josua Ancheta


Nora Mütze


Dear delegates of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Nora Mütze, I’m 16 years old and currently in the 11th grade at the Goldberg Gymnasium in Sindelfingen.

I am honoured to be a chair of the Crisis Security Council and hope for an eventful debate. 

This year’s MUNOG will be my 6th MUN conference, my second conference as a chair and my first time being in the Executive Committee and helping to organise the debates in the PGA-Team. 

MUNOG is a great opportunity to gain experiences in very important global issues and to learn to be more open-minded about issues. Throughout the whole conference you can improve your English and debating skills and create long lasting friendships with people from all over the world. 

Whenever I’m not at school, I enjoy doing sports, art and hanging out with my friends.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and hope for an exciting and memorable debate! 

See you at MUNOG 2024!


Nora Mütze

Dear Participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Jonathan Binz, and I am 17 years old, currently in the 11th grade. I am happy to be the Chair of the Crisis Security Council at this year’s conference.

I have participated as a delegate in MUNOG and BIMUN before, which has given me valuable experience. This year will be my first time chairing, and I am excited to take on this new role.

I believe MUNOG is a fantastic opportunity to learn about important global issues, meet new people from different countries, and have a good time.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the conference !

Best regards,

Jonathan Binz

Jonathan Binz



Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Luzi Wesenberg, I am 17 years old, and I am in the twelfth grade at Goldberg-Gymnasium. In my free time I enjoy going out with friends, listening to music, and doing some sports.

I have already participated in MUNOG for four times. In 2019 as a Service Staff member and in 2021 as a Sim Staff in the Commission on the Status of Women. I have also participated as a delegate in the World Health Organization and last year as a chair of the UNFCCC.

For me MUNOG means, of course political debates, but also meeting new people from all over the world, making new friends and getting unforgettable experiences! That’s why I can’t wait to meet you all in person!

Looking forward to our conferences!


Luzi Wesenberg

Luzi Wesenberg


Bianca Hegele


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Bianca Hegele. I am 17 years old, and in my free time, I enjoy reading, playing

volleyball, and spending time with friends and family. I am from Germany and currently

attend the Goldberg-Gymnasium.

After serving as a delegate in the UNFCCC at the MUNOG 2022 conference, participating in the WHO at BIMUN 2023, and representing in UNESCO at MUNOG 2023, I am excited to chair for the first time at MUNOG 2024.

I have enjoyed my diverse roles, whether as an NGO, a neutral nation, or a highly affected country. These experiences have taught me a lot, and I have met many wonderful people.

I enjoyed participating in these past conferences a lot, which is why I am looking forward to

seeing all of you at MUNOG 2024!

Best regards,


Dear MUNOG participants,

My name is Beth Hale and I am 17 years old attending school at Dronfield Henry Fanshawe in England. In my free time, I like to play football as well as field hockey.

 This will be my third year attending MUNOG but will be my first time as a chair, previously having been a delegate on both DISEC and CCPCJ. I am looking forward to being a chair for ECOFIN, meeting lots of new people and hearing lots of debating!


Beth Hale

Beth Hale



Milena Fritsch


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Milena Fritsch, I am 17 years old and delighted to be co-chairing the SPECPOL – committee

alongside my wonderful co-chairs Luis and Lujza.

After beeing participating at MUNOG as a delegate in the last two years, I am eager to be chairing at this years


When not at school I like to spend my time hanging out with family and friends and doing various sports and

outdoor activities.

I am looking forward to meeting you all and excited to create unforgettable memories.

Yours sincerely,

Milena Fritsch

Dear delegates of MUNOG 2024!

My name is Lujza Lukács. I am sixteen years old, and I come from Hungary, where I am heading into my third year at Eötvös József Secondary School. I started debating in my freshman year. I was offered the leader position of my school’s debate club in September of 2023, which I gladly took, and I have been organising weekly sessions and the occasional competition ever since. Throughout debate is how I was introduced to chairing. MUNOG 2024 will be my third conference, and second time as a chair. 

A little bit about me: I have two siblings and a dog, I do figure skating, and I love travelling to new places I’ve never seen before. 

I can’t wait to meet all of you, get to know your ideas, and to chair you all at MUNOG 2024!

Luzja Lukács


Luis Keller


Distinguished delegates of MUNOG 2024,

my name is Luis Keller, I’m 17 years old, currently attending the “Andreae-Gymnasium Herrenberg” and I will be one of this year’s chairs of the SPECPOL committee. MUNOG 2024 will in total be my sixth MUN-experience and the second time for me to chair a committee.

I am really looking forward to finally meet every one of you and to spend a great time together.

See you in October,

Kind regards,

Luis Keller


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024

My name is Frida Gauger, I am 16 years old and excited to chair this year’s DISEC comittee of MUNOG.

I’ve been able to gain experience as a delegate and chair in past MUNOG conferences and expanded my knowledge during MUNOB in Bucharest and IMUNBP in Barcelona. Therefore I am very excited for this MUNOG to be my last conference!

Participating in MUNs has shown me how important it is to discuss political topics, especially  at a young age. I’m lookingforward to meeting new people in October and hope it will be an unforgettable experience for all of us.



Frida Gauger


Janina Lemberg


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024, 

I am Janina Lemberg, currently 17 years old and looking forward to being one of the chairs of DISEC in this year’s conference. 

I have been able to gather experience over the past years, where I participated as a member of the press team and as a delegate in MUNOG 2023 and in IMUNBP 2023. For me,MUNOG represents internationality and the chance to expand ones political knowledge. Therefore I am very much excited for MUNOG 2024!

In my free time, I enjoy doing sports and going out with friends. 

See you soon, 

Janina Lemberg

Distinguished delegates of MUNOG 2024. 

My name is Sofija Koštrica and I come from Slovenia. I am currently attending my local high-school Gymnasium of Jurij Vega and by the time of the conference I will be 18 years old. 

For the past two years I have attended MUNOG as a delegate which is why I am very excited to be coming back to Germany for the third time as chair of DISEC. 

In my free time I really enjoy reading, cooking and playing volleyball. I want to study international law and MUNOG is a great place to start making friends and getting to know politics a little better. 



Sofija Koštrica



Emil Heinzelmann


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Emil Heinzelmann, I am 16 years old and currently attend the Goldberg Gymnasium in Sindelfingen.

I am excited to be part of this year’s MUNOG conference as a Chair of the Human Rights Committee (HRC).

Last year, I participated in MUNOG and BIMUN in Budapest as a delegate. This year, I am honored to take on the role of Chair for the first time.

In my free time, I like doing sports, especially playing handball and tennis.

MUNOG is a great way to get better at debating and understanding global issues. It’s also fun to meet new people from different countries.

I look forward to the discussions and debates at this year’s conference.


Emil Heinzelmann

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,  

my name is Helia Zigheimat and I’m honoured to be one of this year’s chairs of the Human Rights Council alongside with Emil and Petra.  

I am 16 years old and will be in year 11 during MUNOG 2024.  

This years MUNOG will be my second experience and my first one as a chair. I already participated as a delegate last year.  

I am a part of our city‘s youth parish council. Apart from debating, I like to read, spend time with my cat and my friends.  

MUNOG is a great way to get to know interesting people, make great new memories and raise awareness of important topics and problems. 

Therefore, I am very much looking forward to meeting you all and the interesting debates we will be experiencing.  


Helia Zigheimat  

Helia Zigheimat


Cintia Kozma


Dear participants of MUNOG ‘24,

Hello! My name is Cintia Kozma, and I’m honoured to be one of the chairs of the Human Rights Council this year.

I’m 18 years old, and I am studying at Eötvös József Secondary School in Budapest, where I have been doing MUN for 4 years. I have attended numerous conferences as a rapporteur, a delegate and a chair as well, but this will be my first time participating in MUNOG, which I’m completely delighted about.

Besides MUNing, I like to do various sports with my friends, such as hiking or canoeing, and I compete in shooting sports. I also enjoy being creative, drawing, illustrating pieces of literature, and listening to music. 

Conferences will always have a special place in my heart with the memories I made. Opportunities to improve our skills, meet wonderful people and learn about different nations while discussing important issues is what it’s all about.

I am looking forward to the upcoming conference and getting to know all of you!

Best regards,

Cintia Kozma


Distinguished participants of MUNOG 2024, Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Svenja, I’m 17 years old and I’m going to school at the Goldberg Gymnasium

in Sindelfingen.

I took part in the last years‘ MUNOG-conferences as Staff, as Delegate and as Chair and

also I participated at BIMUN in Hungary. All MUNs have been so great and I have made

experiences I will never forget.

This year will be my last conference and I feel honoured to be one of the Chairs of WHO.

In my freetime, I like to listen to music, meeting my friends and riding.

I’m looking forward to the conferences in October and to meeting you all!!

Yours sincerely,

Svenja Brandt

Svenja Brandt


Ivett Luca Molnar


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

Hi! My name is Ivett Luca Molnár, I’m 18 years old and I’m honored to be one of the chairs of the World Health Organization of MUNOG 2024.

Currently, I am studying at Eötvös József Secondary School in Budapest and have been doing MUN for 4 years. Having attended and enjoyed multiple conferences as a delegate, including MUNOG 2022 and 2023, I’m delighted to return as a chair this year as well.

Alongside MUN, I am passionate about learning languages, and I aspire to learn as many as I can, since I love getting to know and talking to new people. Moreover, I really enjoy holding presentations and I like to spend my free time reading, writing, being creative and going outside to do sports, as well as with my friends and family.

Conferences, such as MUNOG, give us an outstanding opportunity to meet new people and improve our skills, therefore I’m extremely excited to be part of this conference and I am looking forward to meeting you all and making amazing new memories!

See you at MUNOG 2024!

Best regards,

Ivett Luca Molnár

My name is Ana-Maria Ștefan,

I am 17 years old, and I am a junior at Mihai Viteazul National College in Bucharest. It is my utmost pleasure to be one of the Chairpersons of the World Health Organization at this year’s edition of MUNOG.  

This will be my second chairing experience and my tenth MUN conference. Other conferences I’ve attended include MUNOB, BIMUN, RIMUN, etc. 

Apart from MUN and politics, I am very passionate about literature, history and languages.  

I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and wish you good luck with your preparation and interesting debates! 


Ana-Maria Ștefan  

Ana-Maria Stefan



Ivana Krstanovic


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Ivana Krstanovic , I am 16 years old and currently I am going to the 11th grade. I am very excited and honored to be one of the Head of Advisor and Social Programme Managers of MUNOG 2024, alongside Emilia Kern and Coralie Herold. In addition, I will be a chair of the CSW together with Christine Böhme and Andrea Vasile.
I have already participated in MUNOG 2023 as a delegate of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Furthermore I was able to gain some experience as a delegate and also as a chair at PMUN.

MUNOG is a very good way to extend your skills in different areas. You can improve your English skills as well as broaden you political horizon. Moreover, you can establish new contacts from different countries around the world.

I am looking forward to this year’s conference and to getting to know you all!

Ivana Krstanovic

Distinguished Delegates of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Christine Böhme, I’m 15 years old and I’m currently in year 10. I am honoured to be a chair of the committee CSW and hope for a great debate- and I think woman’s rights are the best thing to debate for.
I participated as a delegate at MUNOG 2023 in as delegate of France. I enjoy discussing such important political  topics with our international MUN- Team, and I’m looking forward to challenging debates.
Whenever I’m not at school, I enjoy playing tennis, or go out with friends.

MUNOG is a great possibility to gain experiences in very important political topics and to learn to be open-minded. You can improve your English and debating skills and meet new people from all around the world.
I am looking forward to this year’s conference and the hopefully exiting debate we’ll have. See you soon.


Christine Böhme

Christine Böhme


Andrea Vasile



Distinguished Delegates of MUNOG 2024,

My name is Mayar Alturki and I am delighted to be chairing this year’s Counter-Terrorism Committee.
I am 17 years old and currently studying at the Goldberg Gymnasium in the 11th grade. Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the MUNOG conferences as a delegate, while also taking up the role as an advisor.
These experiences were incredibly valuable, and I am excited to return to MUNOG this year in the role of a chair.

In my free time I enjoy reading, baking, and spending time with friends.

As a chair, my goal is to ensure enjoyable sessions and create a friendly atmosphere for all delegates.
I believe MUNOG is very important as it enhances students’ outlook on political issues and helps develop critical thinking and diplomacy skills.

I am excited to meet all of you and am looking forward to our time together.
If you have any questions during your preparation, please feel free to reach out to me.

Warmest regards,

Mayar Alturki

Mayar Alturki


Virág Sipka


Dear Delegates,

I am so looking forward to chairing you in the Counter-Terrorism Committee at this year’s MUNOG!

A little background of me; I am 18 years old, this is my fourth year as a student in Eötvös József Secondary School, which is the organiser of BIMUN. I was a chair as well at last year’s BIMUN, which was the best experience ever. Having never been to not only MUNOG, but Germany, I could not be more excited to attend this conference.

All in all, I’m really excited to meet all of you, see the result of your research, and have a wonderful debate in our committee!

Dear participants of MUNOG 2024, 

My name is Nadia, I’m 17 years old, and I’m looking forward to be chairing the Counter-Terrorism Committee at this year’s MUNOG.

I attend Andreae Gymnasium in Herrenberg, Germany. Besides school, I spend my free time meeting friends, reading, and playing volleyball. I’m so excited to meet all of you and look forward to fruitful debates. 

Kind regards, 


Nadia Ben Ali



Josephine Jauss


Distinguished participants of MUNOG 2024,  

My name is Josephine Jauss, I am 16 years old and currently attend the Goldberg-Gymnasium Sindelfingen (GGS) in the 12th grade. I am honored to be one of this year’s chairs in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  

Having attended MUNOG 2022 as a delegate in WHO and MUNOG 2023 as a chair of UNESCO, I am really looking forward to extending my amazing experiences that I have made over the last years at MUNOG 2024. 

MUNOG is a great way to discuss interesting topics and problems, while also meeting new people from all over the world.   

When I‘m not involved in projects like this, I really enjoy doing sports like Volleyball and Skiing, but I also really like to meet up with my friend and family. 

If you have any questions throughout your preparations feel free to contact me or my co-chairs at any time. 

I am really looking forward to meeting and spending amazing days with all of you in October 🙂 

Kind regards, 



my name is Ana Mojovic I’m 16 years old and currently attending Andreae-Gymnasium Herrenberg in Germany.

This is going to be my fourth conference but only my first time as a chair.

I’m incredibly excited to meet all of you and I hope to witness some interesting debates.

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my friends and reading. See you next year at MUNOG! 



Ana Mojovic


Eszter Szabo


Dear participants of MUNOG 2024, 

My name is Eszter Szabo, and I am an 11th-grade student at Eötvös József Secondary School in Hungary. I am honored to be co-chairing the IAEA this year, and I am sure the conference will be amazing and the debate fruitful. 

In the last four years of MUNing, I participated in several conferences in various roles and have enjoyed every aspect of MUN, especially the diverse international community.  

I have always had a great interest in politics and international relations. I joined the MUN community as soon as I joined high school, and it has been a great passion of mine ever since. 

Besides MUN, my hobbies include rock climbing, reading, and listening to music. I also spend lots of time with my friends, my family, and our puppy. 

I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and having an amazing debate together!

All the best,
