Author: Joas Henne

  • October 19th 2024

    Today in the CTC committee, the first topic, “Measures addressing the tension between citizens right to privacy and the necessity of surveillence measures” was discussed. All the delegates gave their lively opening speeches, presenting their suggestions for solving the problems of the first topic. The US had a Q&A session to delve deeper into their…

  • October 19th 2024

    To start of the debate every representatoive gave their opening speech. There were two main views on the subject. Many questions were asked and opinions were expanded with new aspects. The mood in the committee was relaxed and everyone participated in the debate. There were exciting conservations. Before noon there was a Q&A session. Then…

  • October 19th 2024

    Like every year the delegates started with their opening speeches. The first speech was given by Algeria. They kept their speech brief and were not open to any point of information. The following speech was given by China where the spokesperson mentioned the suffering of the innocent civilians, due to the conflict between the two…

  • October 19th 2024

    Today, the 19.10.24, the matter of abortion was discussed in the WHO committee. Since the WHO also deals with the health care of women, many countries were of the opinion that women’s rights and the abortion system is an important issue. There were a total of three Q&A sessions, often a right of reply to…

  • October 19th 2024

    Today, the Committee conducted DISEC, on measures to prevent war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by armed forces in the Middle East. It began with the opening speeches, in which the nations expressed their opinion on the subject. China began with their opening speech, in which they mentioned the safety of the people and…

  • October 19th 2024

    At the recent debate on Nuclear Waste Management, nations presented their views on how they want to go forward with the topic in question. All countries then presented their opening speeches. China, Iran, and Israel were among those with the strongest opening speeches. The representative of Iran focused on their Radioactive Waste Management Company. Very remarkable was the…

  • Our guestspeaker Prof. Braun

    In the year 2024 we were lucky to welcome Prof. Braun at the openingceremony. Professor Harald Braun is a person with an impactful careerwho has spent over three decades in international diplomacy, serving invarious high- ranking positions. He was Germany´s PermanentRepresentative to the United Nations from 2014 to 2017, a key role in whichhe also…