Committee Guides

SCSecurity Council
 Topic 1: Measures to cease the genocide of palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the Westbank
Topic 2: Measures to stop the ongoing terrorism in Afghanistan with special regards to the Taliban and their allies as well as State Sponsors of Terrorism
CSCCrisis Security Council
 Topic 1: – 
Topic 2: –
ECOFINEconomic and Financial Committee
 Topic 1: Strategies designed to reduce the debt Burden of developing Nations
Topic 2: Measures to prevent hyper Inflation by international Coperation 
SPECPOLSpecial Political and Decolonization
 Topic 1: Measures to achieve the independence of non-self-governing territories, with a special regard to former states of the British Empire
Topic 2: Measures to enhance the transparency and regulations in the use of Private Military Companies by states and the United Nations
DISECDisarmament and International Security
 Topic 1: Measures to prevent war crimes and crimes against humanity comitted by armed violent Non State Actors (NSAs) in the middle east 
Topic 2: Measures to prevent the arms race in the arctic
HRCHuman Rights Council
 Topic 1:  Measures to prevent human rights violations in the mining of resources in Congo 
Topic 2: Measures to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation
WHOWorld Health Organization
 Topic 1: Measures to enable Abortion to all Women in the World and to ensure a safe Procedure 
Topic 2: Measures to provide People living in War Regions humanitarian Aid with a special Regard to Civilians in Gaza 
CSWComission on the Status of Women
 Topic 1: Measures to prevent the opression of woman in developing countries 
Topic 2: Measures to prevent the oppression of women in developing countries
CTCCounter-Terrorism Committee
 Topic 1: Right of Privacy and Surveilance Measures 
Topic 2: Drones for targetet Killings
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
 Topic 1: Measures to ensure a safe and sustainable nuclear waste management with special regards to Fukushimas coolant after the incident
Topic 2: Measures to verify that states are using nuclear material and power plants for peaceful purposes with special regard to current conflict zones